Stories of transformation
Creating Cohousing with Katie McCamant
Katie McCamant is an author, architect, and the co-creator of the term "cohousing"—a community of private homes clustered around shared communal spaces.
Big Change Through Not So Big Actions with Sarah Susanka
Sarah Susanka is an architect, prolific author, and visionary thinker credited with starting the tiny house movement. She’s changed the way huge amounts of people see the world, but she insists the way to create change is by thinking small and attending to the everyday challenges you see in front of you.
Developing a Living Community with Matthew Grocoff
When the Living Building Challenge was launched in the early 2000’s many people thought that it was impossible. And in many places illegal. Two decades later developers, architects, contractors, and visionaries are pushing the envelope and designing entire communities based upon the aspirational and rigorous Living Building guidelines.
Building Culture Through Intentional Design with Austin Tunnell
Austin Tunnell is an emerging developer that designs and builds stunning, community-oriented, and masonry framed homes. His work extends from pocket neighborhoods to custom homes with his sights on more urban infill guided by a new urbanism philosophy.